turkey steak - translation to γερμανικά
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turkey steak - translation to γερμανικά

Mr. steak; Mr. Steak (restaurant)

turkey steak      
Putensteak (Putenbrust)
turkey breast         
  • Roast turkey
  • US servicemen eating turkey at a Thanksgiving dinner after the end of [[World War I]] (1918)
Turkey (food); Cooking a turkey; Turkey Sandwich; Turkey dinner; Turkey neck; Turkey (meat); Turkey breast; Turkey meat; Roast turkey; Edible turkey; Turkey sandwich; Traditional Farmfresh Turkey; Fresh turkey
Putenbrust (Teil vom Putenfleisch für Schnitzel)
chicken steak         
Country fried steak; Chicken Fried Steak; Chicken fried chicken; Chicken Fried Chicken; Pan fried steak; Pan-fried steak; Country-fried steak; Chicken steak; Chicken fried steak
Hähnchensteak, Hühnersteak


chicken-fried steak
¦ noun US a thin piece of beef which is lightly battered and fried until crisp.


Mr. Steak

Mr. Steak was an American steakhouse restaurant chain started in 1962 by James A. Mather in Colorado Springs, Colorado. At its peak, the chain operated 278 restaurants throughout the United States. The chain saw a decline in the 1980s when it attempted to diversify its menu options, drawing focus away from the steak in favor of fish, salads, and chicken.